The Most Secret Place On Earth-Long Tieng LS20A

Pictures & Information From Long Tieng
Whilst the Vietnam war raged on, across the fence in Laos the CIA were running a clandestine war in Laos. Long Tieng was an air field, one of the most busiest in the world at that point, some 30,000 people lived and worked there. today some 2000 people inhabit the small town which was closed to the public until recently.

For the last 6 years I’ve been able to visit Long Tieng many times and explore the whole area. We’re pretty sure more secrets are hidden within, so a tour of Vang Phao house is quiet an experience, walking the runway or checking out all the old building is always fun too, the King’s Palace is quiet something to walk around high up on the hill. On a warm day there is no better place to sit and ponder what went on here.
Hope you enjoy the pictures……
Long tieng over the years
For tours and information……..
I escaped from a POW site in Laos name/location unknown est northern Laos. 5th Special Forces Operation Phoenix based out of Phu Bai 1970-1971 twenty two months. Early October 1970 we left out of Mac V pad Phu bai secret mission no radio contact a person would contact us as we flew giving the new heading. Soon as we flew into Laos hit heavy rain the Huey had no doors no unit ID on tailboom nor division. I was put with Major William Brooks in prison. I was Army and Bill was Air Force Spectre Ops. I’m trying to find out info on our where our location. Air Force said that the Major died in his C-130 gunship but that didn’t happen. During my escape I remember a pair of mountain peaks that were close together. I also remember Ban LaBoy River there. Stayed there for 3 days left the third night watching NVA convoys cross day and night There was an adobe type building with Vietnamese man standing outside of. He didn’t do English but spoke French very well we covered he told me to avoid talking to other Vietnamese in that village as they would turn me into NVA for reward. This building was occupied by the French and was a hospital later on was a temporary POW hold over. If anyone would like to contact me I live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area now. Use my email address I can meet maybe with more information
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